Theme: Exploring the gateway to peace and mental wellbeing through psychiatry and psychology

Psychologists Meet 2023

Psychologists Meet 2023

The 4th European Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Meeting will be held on August 16-17, 2023 in Paris, France, with a theme of "Exploring the gateway to peace and mental wellbeing through psychiatry and psychology". This meeting aims to bring together leading mental health experts from around the world to discuss the latest advancements in psychiatry and psychology, and to explore the ways in which these fields can contribute to promoting mental wellbeing and peace.

Mental health is an essential component of overall health and well-being, and the impact of mental illness can be devastating. With mental health issues becoming increasingly prevalent, it is essential to find new and innovative ways to address these issues. The 4th European Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Meeting will provide a platform for experts to share their research, clinical experiences, and best practices in the field of mental health.

The conference will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops, with a focus on topics such as depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction, and personality disorders. Speakers will discuss the latest research findings and therapeutic interventions, and attendees will have the opportunity to participate in interactive discussions and workshops.

One of the main goals of the conference is to explore the interplay between psychiatry and psychology in promoting mental wellbeing and peace. Psychiatry and psychology are complementary fields that can work together to provide effective treatment for mental illness. By combining the expertise of these fields, it is possible to develop a comprehensive and holistic approach to mental health that takes into account the complex interplay between biological, psychological, and social factors.

The conference will also address the importance of promoting mental wellbeing and peace in today's world. In a time of increasing stress, social isolation, and uncertainty, mental health issues are becoming more prevalent than ever before. The conference will explore the ways in which psychiatry and psychology can contribute to building a more peaceful and resilient society, by promoting mental wellbeing and resilience at the individual, community, and societal levels.

The 4th European Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Meeting promises to be a stimulating and informative event for mental health professionals and researchers from around the world. It will provide an excellent opportunity to share knowledge, learn from experts in the field, and explore new avenues for promoting mental wellbeing and peace. We look forward to welcoming you to Paris in August 2023!


Session on Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Anxiety

Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) are effective approaches for treating anxiety. MBIs incorporate mindfulness techniques that involve paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Research has shown that MBIs can reduce symptoms of anxiety and improve overall well-being. MBIs can be delivered in various formats, including group therapy, individual therapy, and self-guided interventions. The most commonly used MBI for anxiety is mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), which involves weekly group sessions and daily home practice. Overall, MBIs offer a non-invasive and low-risk approach that can lead to lasting improvements in mental health and well-being for individuals with anxiety.

Session on Innovative Approaches to Addiction Treatment

Innovative approaches to addiction treatment are continuously being developed to improve outcomes for individuals struggling with substance abuse. One such approach is medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which combines medication with counseling and behavioral therapy. Another approach is using technology, such as virtual reality and smartphone apps, to enhance treatment and provide support. Other innovative approaches include mindfulness-based interventions, outdoor therapy, and holistic approaches that address the whole person, not just their addiction. By utilizing these innovative approaches, addiction treatment can become more personalized and effective, leading to greater success in recovery and improved quality of life for those struggling with addiction.

Session on Transgenerational Trauma and Healing

Transgenerational trauma is the transmission of trauma from one generation to the next, resulting in ongoing psychological and emotional distress. Healing transgenerational trauma requires acknowledging the traumatic experiences and their impact on individuals and families. This can be achieved through therapy, including individual and family therapy, and other approaches such as meditation and mindfulness practices. Healing also involves building resilience, creating a sense of safety and trust, and strengthening family and community connections. By addressing transgenerational trauma, individuals and families can break the cycle of intergenerational trauma and promote healing and well-being for future generations.

Session on Positive Psychology: Focus on Flourishing

Positive psychology is a field of psychology that focuses on promoting well-being and flourishing, rather than simply treating mental illness. Positive psychology interventions include activities such as gratitude journaling, mindfulness meditation, and acts of kindness. These interventions can increase positive emotions, enhance personal strengths and virtues, and improve relationships and overall life satisfaction. Positive psychology also emphasizes the importance of cultivating meaning and purpose in life, and connecting with others through social support and engagement in community. By focusing on flourishing, positive psychology can help individuals and communities thrive and lead fulfilling lives.

Session on Mental Health and Social Media

Social media has both positive and negative effects on mental health. On the one hand, social media can provide a sense of community, support, and connection, especially for individuals who may feel isolated. However, social media can also contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, as individuals compare themselves to others and experience online bullying or harassment. To promote positive mental health, individuals should practice mindful and intentional social media use, limit screen time, and prioritize in-person social interactions. Social media platforms can also take steps to improve mental health outcomes, such as implementing tools for managing screen time and monitoring online behavior.

Session on Self-Care for Mental Health Professionals

Self-care is essential for mental health professionals to prevent burnout and maintain their own mental health and well-being. This can include practicing mindfulness, engaging in regular physical activity, setting healthy boundaries with clients and colleagues, and seeking out social support. Mental health professionals can also benefit from taking breaks and engaging in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment. Prioritizing self-care not only benefits the mental health professional, but also enhances the quality of care they are able to provide to their clients. By recognizing the importance of self-care, mental health professionals can prevent burnout and promote their own long-term health and well-being.

Session on Spirituality and Mental Health Recovery

Spirituality can play a significant role in mental health recovery, as it provides individuals with a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Practices such as meditation, prayer, and mindfulness can enhance emotional and mental well-being by reducing stress and anxiety, increasing self-awareness, and improving coping skills. Spirituality can also provide social support, as individuals can connect with others who share similar beliefs and values. It is important to note, however, that spirituality is not a substitute for evidence-based treatment, and individuals should seek professional help when necessary. By integrating spirituality into mental health recovery, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and find meaning and purpose in their lives.

Session on Eating Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment

Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses that can have severe physical and psychological consequences. These disorders are characterized by abnormal eating habits and distorted perceptions of body image. Diagnosis typically involves a comprehensive assessment by a mental health professional, including a medical evaluation to determine any physical complications. Treatment may involve psychotherapy, medication, and nutritional counseling. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and family-based therapy are evidence-based treatments that have been shown to be effective in treating eating disorders. Recovery is often a long process, and early intervention is crucial for successful treatment outcomes. With appropriate diagnosis and treatment, individuals with eating disorders can recover and improve their overall health and well-being.

Session on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapeutic approach that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors to improve mental health. CBT techniques include cognitive restructuring, exposure therapy, and behavioral activation. In cognitive restructuring, individuals learn to challenge and replace negative thoughts with more positive, realistic ones. Exposure therapy involves gradually facing feared situations to reduce anxiety, while behavioral activation focuses on increasing positive behaviors to improve mood. CBT has been shown to be effective in treating a range of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. With the guidance of a trained therapist, individuals can learn and apply CBT techniques to manage their mental health symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.

Session on Addressing Mental Health Stigma

Addressing mental health stigma is crucial to improving the lives of individuals living with mental health conditions. Stigma can prevent individuals from seeking help, lead to discrimination, and perpetuate misconceptions about mental illness. Education and awareness are important in combating stigma, as they can help individuals better understand mental health conditions and reduce fear and misunderstanding. Additionally, promoting the idea that mental health is just as important as physical health can help to reduce stigma and encourage individuals to seek help when needed. By addressing mental health stigma, individuals can receive the care and support they need to live healthy, fulfilling lives.

Session on Sleep Disorders and Mental Health

Sleep disorders and mental health are closely linked, as disrupted sleep can exacerbate existing mental health conditions or even trigger new ones. Mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression can also disrupt sleep, creating a vicious cycle. Common sleep disorders include insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome. Treatment options may include lifestyle changes, medication, and therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i) is a highly effective treatment that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors related to sleep. Addressing sleep disorders can improve overall mental health and well-being, and it is important to seek professional help if sleep problems persist.

Session on Managing Emotions in the Workplace

Managing emotions in the workplace is essential for maintaining a positive and productive work environment. Emotions such as stress, frustration, and anger can negatively impact job performance and interpersonal relationships. Effective strategies for managing emotions in the workplace include developing emotional intelligence, setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and utilizing stress reduction techniques. It is also important for employers to create a supportive work culture that encourages open communication and offers resources for emotional support. By managing emotions in a healthy and productive way, individuals can improve their overall job satisfaction and performance, as well as contribute to a more positive workplace environment.

Session on Personality Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment

Personality disorders are mental health conditions characterized by inflexible and maladaptive patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion that significantly impair daily functioning. Diagnosis typically involves a comprehensive assessment by a mental health professional. Treatment may include psychotherapy, medication, and support from loved ones. Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a type of psychotherapy that has been shown to be effective in treating certain personality disorders. DBT focuses on improving emotional regulation, interpersonal skills, and mindfulness. Recovery from personality disorders is often a long and difficult process, but with proper diagnosis and treatment, individuals can learn to manage their symptoms and lead fulfilling lives.

Session on Addiction Recovery and Relapse Prevention

Addiction recovery and relapse prevention are critical components of overcoming substance use disorders. Recovery involves a range of treatments and support systems, including medication, therapy, and peer support groups. Relapse prevention strategies may include identifying triggers, developing coping mechanisms, and creating a relapse prevention plan. Addressing underlying mental health conditions and seeking ongoing support can also be important in maintaining sobriety. Relapse does not mean failure and can be an opportunity for growth and learning. With the right tools and support, individuals can successfully overcome addiction and maintain long-term recovery.

Session on Mind-Body Techniques for Stress Reduction

Mind-body techniques can be effective tools for reducing stress and promoting overall well-being. These techniques involve practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises. These techniques can help individuals to cultivate a sense of calm, reduce anxiety, and improve their ability to cope with stress. Mind-body techniques can also have physical benefits, such as reducing blood pressure and improving immune function. Incorporating these techniques into a daily routine can promote greater resilience and improved mental and physical health. By taking a holistic approach to stress reduction, individuals can improve their overall well-being and quality of life.


Oral presentation: Oral Presentations may include topics from research, theoretical, professional or private practices in a concise manner. Individuals with personal experience are also welcome to present personal experiences or narratives which help others in everyday life.

Speakers with a 30-minute slot should plan to speak for 20-25 minutes, and Keynote speakers should plan to speak for 40-45 minutes, with the remaining time to be used for questions and discussion by the Session Chair

Workshop: For workshop presenters also, the topic of the talk will be the same as an Oral presentation with more specialized techniques and detailed demonstration. The generalized time duration for the workshop presentation is about 45-50 minutes. Interested participants can join their respective teams and present the workshop with their research coordinators with a special group waiver on registration.

Poster presentation: Student Poster Competition will be organized at the Psychologists Meet 2023 conference is to encourage students and recent graduates to present their original research. Presenters will be given about 5-7 minutes to present the poster including questions and answers. Judges may ask questions during the evaluation of the presentation. This is an opportunity for young scientists to learn about the recent findings of their peers to increase their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers. Poster displays will be in hard copy format of 1x1 M long.

For more details regarding Poster Presentation and Judging Criteria view Poster Presentation Guidelines

Webinar: Webinar presentation is designed for those interested attendees who cannot join in person due to schedule conflicts or other obligations. In this option, the presenter may record the presentation and their presentation will be presented in the Webinar presentation session.

E-Poster: e-Poster is also similar to the webinar presentation. In this session, their presentation will be published in the form of a poster on the conference website and the presenter's abstract will be published in the conference souvenir and journal with DOI

Exhibition: Psychologists Meet 2023 has the opportunity to exhibit the products and services from commercial and non-commercial organizations like Drug manufacturers, Clinical Trial Sites, Management Consultants, Chemists, Pharmacists, Business delegates and Equipment Manufacturers.

To know more about exhibitor booth details and benefits visit WHY TO EXHIBIT WITH US?

Advertisement: The conference program is a valuable resource that all attendees refer to again and again as they navigate the conference. Advertising in the conference program is a great way to market and can help you secure long-term business.

Sponsor Psychologists Meet 2023

Premium Sponsorship package

Additional Sponsorship package


The 4th European Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Meeting is a highly anticipated event that will take place on August 16-17, 2023, in the beautiful city of Paris, France. This international conference will bring together leading experts and professionals in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and mental health from around the world to share their knowledge, experiences, and research findings.

As a sponsor or exhibitor, you will have the opportunity to showcase your products, services, and expertise to a diverse and engaged audience of mental health professionals, researchers, clinicians, and policy-makers. You will also be able to network with fellow professionals and explore new business opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships.

There are various sponsorship and exhibition packages available to suit your needs and budget. As a sponsor, you can enjoy benefits such as:

  1. Brand exposure: Your company logo and name will be prominently displayed on conference materials such as the program booklet, website, and promotional materials.

  2. Speaking opportunities: You may have the chance to deliver a keynote speech, participate in a panel discussion, or conduct a workshop to showcase your expertise and promote your brand.

  3. Networking opportunities: You will have access to exclusive networking events and meet-and-greet sessions with other sponsors, exhibitors, and conference attendees.

  4. Complimentary registrations: You will receive complimentary conference registrations for your staff, allowing them to attend the conference sessions and learn from other professionals in the field.

As an exhibitor, you can benefit from:

  1. Visibility: Your booth will be prominently located in the exhibition hall, giving you visibility and exposure to conference attendees.

  2. Networking: You will have the opportunity to network with other exhibitors, conference attendees, and mental health professionals.

  3. Product showcase: You can showcase your products, services, and technology to a captive audience, and generate new leads and sales.

  4. Complimentary registrations: You will receive complimentary conference registrations for your staff, allowing them to attend the conference sessions and learn from other professionals in the field.

Overall, sponsoring or exhibiting at the 4th European Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Meeting is a fantastic opportunity to gain visibility, promote your brand, and network with other professionals in the field. Don't miss this chance to be a part of this exciting event and contribute to the advancement of mental health research and practice.


How to submit an abstract/ article?

Submissions of abstracts are welcome on all topics related to Psychologists Meet 2023. Please see below for submission guidelines.

The entire accepted abstracts for the registered participants will be published in the Open Access conference supporting journal and conference souvenir.

  1. Abstracts can be submitted through the online link ABSTRACT SUBMISSION
  2. Abstracts must be submitted in English and should be within 250-300 words along with a biography of the presenter of 60-70 words
  3. Submissions are welcome in all topics related to Psychology & Psychiatry.
  4. Presenting author shall provide the following details: Full name of the presenter, Affiliation details: department, institution/hospital, country, Phone number & E-mail address and photograph
  5. For Co-authors following details are required: Full names and affiliation details like department, institute/ organization name, and country shall be included
  6. All abstracts will be reviewed by a review panel approved by the Psychologists Meet 2023 Conference Review Committee. The Committee’s decision is final.
  7. All presenters of accepted abstracts will be required to register and pay for attendance at the Conference.

Please note your affiliation and abstract title in both the final program and journal will appear exactly as you submit it so please follow the guidelines provided as to the format required the letter of acceptance does not imply any travel grant or any bursaries.

Next steps

Email confirmation for the submitted abstract will be sent upon successful acceptance of the abstract. If the abstract is accepted, presenters require to confirm the presenter/s and pay the applicable registration fee/s. Failure to do so may result in your paper being excluded from the Psychologists Meet 2023 conference program

How to complete registration?

To complete the registration, visit the ONLINE REGISTRATION. The following registration categories are available

The participants from University/ Academic backgrounds shall enrol their participation in the Academic category

Available Registration option under this category: Oral Presentation | Poster Presentation | Delegate Registration | Package A (includes your registration and 2 nights of accommodation) | Package B (includes your registration and 3 nights of accommodation) | Webinar

The business person shall enrol their participation in the Business category

Available Registration option under this category: Speaker registration | Delegate Registration | Package A (includes your registration and 2 nights of accommodation) | Package B (includes your registration and 3 nights of accommodation) | Advertisement | Exhibitor

The participants who are still pursuing their education shall enrol their participation in the Student category

Available Registration options under this category: Speaker registration | Poster presentation | Delegate registration | Package (includes registration and 2 nights of accommodation)

Apart from any above-mentioned category please drop a mail to  for GROUP REGISTRATION, EXTRA NIGHT OF ACCOMMODATION, ADVANCE TOKEN AMOUNT PAYMENT, MORE THAN ONE PRESENTATION etc... These options are available on special request and discussion with the management


Psychologists Meet 2023 organizing committee hereby reiterates that we are NOT involved in VISA processing. We can assist by providing supporting documents like a Letter of invitation, Letter of Abstract Acceptance and Registration Payment Receipt.

You may be required to submit additional documents along with these documents to the embassy.

Letter of Invitation: The official Letter of Invitation is proof that your submitted paper and registration application are accepted by the conference committee board. It will be stated in English and may help you with your visa application.

  • Only registered participants will get an official letter of invitation
  • Attendees need to finish Registration & Authenticated information submission to get an official letter of invitation [i.e., Passport (Scan copy), DOB, Mobile Number, Physical Address and Photograph].
  • Contact the program manager for more information
  • Official Letters of Invitation will be provided only to attend the conference.



To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date August 16-17, 2023
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed
Poster Opportunity Closed Click Here to View